About the server

I have a limited duty server that takes care of several game related tasks:
  1. It accepts orders, checks them, and mails you a response informing you how they may turn out, as well as checking errors.
  2. It supports double blind message forwarding, so that you may remain anonymous (or not).
  3. It supports queries about to whom you can forward messages.
Mail that should be handled by the server, should be sent to server at site.edu
Mail that I should read should be sent to gm at site.edu

Note: I do skim all mail that goes through the server, and will on occasion correct mistakes about game mechanics that are mentioned. It is possible to "spoof" the programs and read other people's turn reports, or fake messages from them. Anyone caught doing this may be ejected from the game. I have not gone to great lengths to prevent spoofing because I'd rather spend the effort on making the game better.

Quick command summary

All mail for the server should go to server at site.edu
To submit orders, use a subject of
gamename orders for racename
[The processor is case sensitive with regards to gamename and the
keyword "orders"]
To forward a message, use a subject of
to forward to multiple races,
gamename:FWD:fromrace:torace torace...
To get a list of whom you can forward to, use a subject of:

An in depth set of directions

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Last update: December 13, 1999